Grid Storage: Batteries Will Win

A short and spicy post. There remains, even in 2023, a substantial fraction of the “future of energy” hivemind who are still convinced that the solution to all our problems is to build more transmission capacity, conveniently obstructed by the lack (so far) of the Act of Congress required to swiftly and forcibly appropriate the millions of acres necessary to string them across the country. NIMBYs, right!

In the background, of course, wind, solar and batteries have been continuing their steady, which is to say, explosive growth. Battery investment, manufacturing and growth are increasing by about 250% per year while costs continue to plummet. Indeed, while new solar farms take 5-20 years to pay for themselves, battery plants are so lucrative they’re often profitable by year two – which is unheard of in the energy infrastructure space!

So what? Here’s the key insight. Batteries and transmission are in direct competition. Both enable electricity arbitrage – the profitable repricing of a resource by matching different levels of supply and demand. Transmission moves power through space (technically null space, at the speed of light) and batteries move power through time. And while batteries have a fixed cost per MWh delivered (that is falling about 10% per year), transmission lines get more expensive as they get longer.

Intuitively, we should expect that for a given market, local energy generation landscape, demand profile, historical weather variability, etc, a grid storage battery would be competitive against a transmission line longer than a certain length, and this is true. The challenge for transmission is that as batteries get cheaper and NEPA lawsuits get more expensive, the competitive length for transmission lines is falling fast – the outcome is not in doubt.

Further stacking the deck in favor of batteries is the fact that power arbitrage depends on differences in demand, and there is a lot more spatial correlation than temporal correlation in energy demand. For example, over a 500 mile grid people will be using power for cooking and heating at the same times of day, while local weather systems will impact wind and solar generation in a correlated way. Conversely, power demand varies by a factor of two or three over a 24 hour cycle, every day, like clockwork. Why do batteries pay for themselves in 18 months while transmission lines, if built, lose money? Wonder no longer.

Let’s make this quantitative. I’ll reuse a couple of figures from “Geophysical constraints on the reliability of solar and wind power in the United States” by Shaner, Davis, Lewis, and Caldiera, published in 2017 (non paywalled version). Based on 39 years of historical demand and weather data, then prevalent battery prices suggested massive investment in grid upgrades was the only sure path to reliable, low carbon electricity supply in the US. Even at the time, a pragmatic evaluation of future trends and forcing functions in batteries would suggest otherwise, and by 2023, 6 years later, the data tells a very different story.

Fig. 2 Reliability of solar and wind generation as a function of area and resource mix. Contours and shading in each panel represent the average calculated reliability (% of total annual electrical demand met) by a mix of solar and wind resources ranging from 100% solar to 100% wind (y-axes) and aggregated over progressively larger areas of the contiguous U.S. (on x-axes compared to size of states (DC, NH, NY, CA) and regions (Western Electricity Coordinating Council, CONUS)). Storage and generation quantities are varied in each panel: (a) 1 generation, no storage; (b) 1 generation, 12 hours of storage; (c) 1.5 generation, no storage; (d) 1.5 generation, 12 hours of storage. These plots were generated by running each scenario for all 50 states, 8 NERC regions, and the contiguous U.S., respectively. For each resource mix simulated, the results were regressed (y = log(x) + b) and plotted as the shown heat maps. Thus, the plots represent the average area-dependence and effect of resource mix on ability to meet the total annual electricity demand in the contiguous U.S.; specific regions will be more, or less, reliable.

This chart allows us to compare the relative cost/benefit for different strategies, whether they be building out batteries, grid, solar, wind, or some mixture.

If we start at our present condition (red X), is it better to add more transmission (green arrow), add more storage (light blue arrow), or add more wind/solar (dark blue arrow)? Assuming the cost of each action is roughly equivalent, there is almost no benefit to adding more transmission, which after enormous expenditure of treasure and political capital would increase renewable penetration from ~55% to ~56%. In contrast, adding a bunch more wind and solar, but no storage would increase renewables to about 83% of total demand, reducing carbon emissions commensurately. Adding 12 hours of storage with no additional transmission or generation could increase reliability enough to support 86% of total demand, by far the biggest increase with the smallest impact on land use, as batteries are tiny compared to solar arrays, transmission lines, and wind farms.

Adding both solar and wind overproduction and batteries takes us into the lower right quadrant where a state-scale grid can support ~97% of demand, and once again adding (or subtracting) transmission (pink arrow) makes almost no difference.

Adding 12 hours of storage to the entire US grid would not happen overnight, but on current trends would cost around $500b and pay for itself within a few years. This is a shorter timescale than the required manufacturing ramp, meaning it could be entirely privately funded. By contrast, upgrading the US transmission grid could cost $7t over 20 years. This, incidentally, is why the future of electricity is local.

Fig. 3 Changes in reliability as a function of energy storage capacity (0–32 days) and generation. Lines in each panel show the reliability (% of demand met; x-axes, (a) linear scale, (b) log scale) of a mix of solar and wind resources aggregated over the contiguous U.S. and ranging from 100% solar (top panel) to 100% wind (bottom panel) as the installed generation quantity (left y-axis) or capacities (right y-axis) increase and the energy storage available increases (lines). Energy storage capacities of 0 and 12 hours, and 4 and 32 days are shown. In each case, the horizontal dashed line indicates the capacity at which total energy production and electricity demand over the 36 year period are equal (i.e. 1 generation).

To understand how renewables can nail down the last 1%, 0.1%, and so on, let’s look at the graphlets in the right column (log scale), that track how much overbuild is needed given some quantity of storage and generation mix as a function of desired reliability level.

In all cases, we see a grid without storage is useless. This should be intuitively obvious but it is good to see it confirmed here. Conversely, we see relatively small quantities of overall storage dramatically decrease the amount of generation overbuild needed. Over a wide range of wind/solar mix and battery installation, we can hit 99.99% reliability (significantly better than the pre-renewable grid) with < 10x nameplate overbuild. This is how the grid will look in the future.

These graphs assume a continent scale grid, but as we saw from the first figure, changing the size of the grid doesn’t affect reliability very much. Given a choice between 10x overbuild and 4 days of battery storage on some local DER or the equivalent reliability on a national scale with 8x overbuild and 3 days of storage, plus $10t of transmission lines that, on average, are mostly used to accumulate ice in ice storms or accrue deferred maintenance costs, it seems extremely clear to me which model will prevail. Adding marginal batteries until demand saturates will generate enormous profit and value growth. Adding additional grid is just stranding assets.

My views on this matter are unconventional, even controversial. Arguably this is my spiciest hot take on the future of energy. We won’t have to wait long to find out which model prevails. Bet against batteries, if you dare.

Addendum Jan 2024: While most grids are adequately backed up with just 5 hours of storage, due to diurnal demand variation, the question of solar+battery cost for other patterns of utilization comes up from time to time. I computed the minimum cost mix for any given utilization duty cycle and plotted the result as costs continue to fall over the next decade.

The takeaway from this chart is that power hungry high revenue growth loads, such as new AGI datacenters, which typically cost at least $50/W, will almost certainly prefer a beyond-the-grid solar+battery power supply as it is both cheaper and more readily available than nuclear, coal, or, in most cases, gas. The exception, for now, is new gas generation being codeveloped with a new datacenter somewhere with a bunch of stranded gas production, such as the Marcellus basin. Even then, I expect solar+battery costs will undercut gas, even for this application, in regions with plenty of gas, within a decade.

As expected, high energy consumption commodity industrial processes with low capex will always enjoy a cost advantage if they can adapt to intermittent operation, shown here by the knee in the curve at around 6 hours per day.

33 thoughts on “Grid Storage: Batteries Will Win

  1. I read your previous post about methane synthesis. But, there is something of a fad now in green energy to ban natural gas appliances. If your idea about making artificial natural gas (oxymoron?), then there might not be any appliances to use this green gas by the time that it becomes available. Is that something that concerns you?



  2. Don’t the economics of storage get much worse as more batteries are added to the grid?
    It’s a no-brainer to add storage when the payoff period is two years. But aren’t the first batteries that get added the most profitable, with a rapidly decreasing return as more are added?
    I’m optimistic that the cost curve will help, but fear that the decreasing profitability may outweigh the cost curve before long.


  3. Without doubting the overall conclusion (this post changed my mind, thanks for that), how does this apply to highly concentrated metropolitan or industrial areas? E.g., what’s the “catchment area” for solar + wind (assuming sufficient battery storage) to fully power a city with say 5m people? (Whatever the answer this doesn’t change the transmission lines vs batteries argument, I know, I’m just trying to get a mental picture of how a minimal-lines infrastructure would look like in dense environments.)


  4. Almost.

    TLDR; People need to understand that fossil-free carbon-zero “green gas” is a real thing: clean and sustainable. Everything works when green gas is part of the solution.

    Today, electrical transmission lines can’t bring enough power in to LA, SFO, and other metro areas: Burning gas inside city areas is already required all the time. We know that electricity demand will increase dramatically over the next decade. Electric cars alone will double normal demand. During winter, heat pumps will easily break all peak demand records currently set by air-conditioning in heat waves. The existing and inelastic electrical transmission capacity shortage will be exacerbated.

    Hence, being able to saturate the electrical power on those electrical transmission power lines 24/7 is already not enough, so there won’t be excess power to charge batteries within the metro areas to replace local gas powered electrical generation.

    Glendale Water and Power analysis found that if every house and building is covered with solar, that is still half what is currently generated by burning gas in the local power plant. Nothing to store if local solar generation cannot exceed current demand.

    Local solar is still important of course! But that is nowhere near enough, even in very low density areas of LA. As always happens in metro areas, density will increase, which means less rooftop area per person, so rooftop solar generation will become less and less significant.

    Fossil-free, zero-carbon gas will be needed to close the system, as fossil gas is needed today. The natural gas infrastructure already exists, and is very clean: transport, storage, electrical generation, and all the related necessary businesses.

    So just wind, solar, and batteries won’t work: still can’t get the power into the cities where its needed. Wind, solar, batteries, and green gas works by avoiding the electrical transmission bottleneck.

    What about ever increasing power demand? Electric cars for everyone will double the electricity demand. Heat pumps and other forms of electric heating will make peak demand records occur during winter, while of course not effecting current peak demands during summer.

    Green gas again wins: Less people notice trenches than they notice overhead transmission lines. Pipeline capacity is already being increased in many areas via increased compression. Adding additional pipes in existing pipeline rightaways will be less prone to NIMBYs, at least once people understand that green gas is a very good and clean way to a carbon negative future.

    That last sentence is key. Can people be convinced? Never easy to change long established points of view.


  5. [apologies if this is a dupe, my first attempt to comment didn’t seem to go through]

    If adding transmission lines is such a bad tradeoff, do you know why (to my understanding) models keep recommending substantial transmission buildout? For instance, a 2022 report from the US NREL (, models several pathways to net-zero GHG emissions for the US grid by 2035, and if I’m reading it correctly, they show a net cost of $330 billion for a transmission-heavy scenario, vs. $740 billion for transmission-light.

    One of the issues with a more storage-focused approach, IIUC, is how to ride out the occasional multi-day or even multi-week periods where weather consistently impairs solar and wind production (e.g. a “wind drought”). There might be other ways of dealing with this – such as hanging on to gas peaker plants and feeding them Terraform gas, of course! – but it has to be addressed.

    Also, while an overbuild of solar and wind power is technically appealing, it may raise siting / permitting issues just as challenging as for increased transmission?

    (To be clear, I’m a big fan of additional storage, just not sure it gets us out of tackling transmission.)


  6. And the case for conversion of electricity>methane>storage>generation? Would that scale better for additional days of storage?


  7. The lower 48 grid runs around 500GW (wide band). One day of storage -> 12TWh. Lazard finds[1] front-of-the-meter LCoS around $200/MWh (also wide band) for a 20 year system. So $200 * 12(TWh/MWh) * 20 = $48B upfront for 12TWh capacity, which seems way too low. Moss Landing cost $400M for 1.6GWh capacity a couple years ago[2] -> $250B/TWh, or ~1000x more … but still only $3T to cover the whole grid for a day. If we deflate that by only one order of magnitude, that’s $300B. I think you’re right.

    One important grid dynamic will come from EVs. Every 10M EVs @ 50kW and kWh each -> ~= 50GW semi-shiftable (assuming 25%) load and ~50 GWh (assuming 10%) addressable storage.



  8. “In all cases, we see a grid without storage is useless.”

    That’s because you start out by assuming only solar and wind, which is to say, only power sources which are neither reliable nor dispatchable. Since reliability and dispatchability are essential, something has to provide them.

    Both wind and solar are given to widespread complete outages, which means that some form of storage is unavoidable if you rely on them.

    Both wind and solar vary radically in their output even when they are putting out power, which means that in order to get all the power you need, you have to over-build to the point where the minimum output will cover the load. Yeah, that’s about ten times, a solar panel in really bad weather puts out about 10% of nameplate capacity when the sun is up.

    “Overbuilding by a factor of 10” should really be in bold, red, flashing letters with a big arrow pointing to it, it’s a BIG deal, because that means you have to pay for and site ten times as much generation capacity, and do something with the excess. But you just mention it in passing.

    But this is like finding that a parachute is essential to air travel by ruling out landing the plane, and instead demanding that the passengers disembark by jumping out at altitude. You’ve built the necessity for batteries into your initial assumptions.

    The batteries aren’t competing with transmission lines, back in the real world. They’re competing with power sources that are reliable enough to not NEED batteries. You know, the power sources that you ruled out any consideration of with your initial assumptions?


      1. Sure, *some* storage makes sense for load leveling, where it can be achieved cheaply relative to building peaking capacity. The amount of capacity needed for that is a tiny fraction of what you need for power sources that just completely shut down from dusk to dawn.


    1. Nameplate capacity is meaningless though. What matters is the cost per kWh actually produced. Solar does pretty well with that these days, and wind isn’t far behind.

      If we look at the amount of overbuild in terms of actual generation, the numbers are less extreme. With a mix of 50% solar 50% wind, plus four days of storage, it looks like only about 30% overbuild, going up to 2X overbuild with pure solar and four days of storage.

      As for the four days of storage, Form Energy claims to be doing that with iron-air batteries at a tenth the cost of lithium-ion, and they’re already building their first plant. This is the first storage tech I’ve seen that made me think we could get by without a massive nuclear rollout (though I’d be fine with that if we could pull it off).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Since the interruptions and reduced power are largely random, how much storage and redundant capacity you need is a function of the mean time between brownouts you’re aiming for. I’d like to see an analysis based on actual historical weather records. How frequent of brownouts are you assuming, there?

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Eh? My source is Fig. 3 above. Left column is by generation, right side of each graph is supplying 100% of demand, different lines are for different amounts of storage, vertical is amount of overproduction. The figures come from the linked study, which says it uses historical data with a one-hour granularity.


      3. No, that above is in terms of percent reliability, while I’m talking mean time between failures.

        99% reliability *sounds* good, if you’re not familiar with the current reliability of the grid. But at 99% reliability you could be having 1 hour blackouts every 4 days on average! The current grid is enormously more reliable than 99%.

        The whole area of interest, unless it’s your intention to seriously degrade life for people who use electricity, is in a tiny slice of figure 2 on the right edge of the graphic, maybe a pixel or two wide. What he’s talking about achieving here is actually a terrible reduction in the grid’s reliability.

        I want to know how much storage and over-build is necessary to equal the reliability of a grid using nuclear and conventional baseload plants, not to achieve a grid where the power goes out on you a couple times a week.


      4. Well the right side of that graph isn’t 99%, it’s 100%. The question is whether that’s realistic.

        If we were talking about the typical “100% renewable with four hours storage” then I’d be pretty skeptical. But it’s *four days* of storage. That’s a whole different ballgame. That’s not all that different from adding a fair amount of dispatchable power to the grid. It’ll run out eventually, but it doesn’t seem that hard to see the worst case and build a little more storage than that. Four days is quite a bit when you’re also still bringing in at least some power from your solar panels.

        The big question is whether this one new company building its first iron-air battery plant can scale up fast enough to accomplish that. It’s an awful lot of battery, no matter how cheap it is. I’m still in favor of developing GenIV fission and fusion, because I don’t think we should overcommit to a single path at this stage.

        And the picture might look different in other countries. The US has especially abundant sun and wind and lots of open land. Not all countries do, and not all countries are as bad as the US at building GenIII fission plants in a timely manner.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I did just learn that iron-air batteries are only about 50% efficient, effectively doubling the cost and required space of solar/wind.

        This may or may not be a problem. A recent study found Europe could meet 25X its power needs from solar panels on farms, with little effect on crop productivity. If solar gets cheap enough, maybe it’ll work out. But it’s something to account for when comparing to cost of nuclear solutions.


  9. Especially if iron-air batteries turn out to be as good as Form Energy makes them look. Order of magnitude cheaper than lithium-ion for four days of storage. Combine that with 50/50 solar/wind and we’re barely overbuilding generation.


  10. I had to look up “NEPA”. Eventually I came across this:

    The fate of a key transmission line in Maine is on trial now

    Tl;dr – if Massachusetts wants to import hydroelectric or nuclear power from water-rich (and indeed uranium-rich) eastern Canada, the powerlines must go through Northern New England. Maine is (since 1820) a separate state from Massachusetts and, after the construction is done, doesn’t get the benefits which Boston gets.
    Maine is also, apparently, a colossally badly run state. The article is scathing.


  11. What price trend is going to $500b for 12h of storage of the entire US grid? From what I gather mean US energy usage was 450GW, so that’s like $100 per KWh of storage. I don’t see anything predicting it getting that low. Some non-lithium tech? Recent Megapack sale in Massachusetts was $413m for 800MWh.

    The linked paper shows where brown/black outs occur in some simulations (though not their 99.97% simulations). It would be interesting to know where all the excess generation was, when the storage is full. If the US goes 2x generation, there would ideally be something to use the excess… I guess at that point it’s not really 2x generation since you’re using all of it. 1x reliable, 1x unreliable. Would you wind up with 1,800,000 grid-attached Terraformers that run 12 hours a day in the summer when solar is high?


  12. When I saw “batteries will win”, I expected this to be about the drawbacks of other forms of storage: compressed air, compressed CO2, hydrocarbons made from CO2+H2O+electricity, pumped hydro, and so on, and the limitations of schedulable demand. If you can redesign your aluminum smelter, cement calciners, and various other energy-intensive facilities to have 100x lower capital cost by putting up with 5x lower efficiency, and use electricity that would otherwise be going to waste, that could make overbuilding of solar and wind by a large factor more appealing.

    I’m bullish on nuclear, because it’s too expensive, people are stupid, it’s a large-scale decision, and such decisions are normally structured in such a way that all of us together are stupider than any of us alone would be. That sounds like a rather pessimistic assessment at first, but it means I think energy will be cheap enough that we can afford to be stupid. It is extremely pessimistic, though, because I think nuclear power is going to continue to be pursued mainly as a cover for nuclear weapons proliferation.

    On the actual main point of the post, storage vs transmission, I’m not convinced that I have enough of a grip on the subject to say that the conventional view is wrong. If cheap land is far from cities, technical change turns out to lower the cost of transmission anywhere near as much as it’s been lowering the cost of generation, and new transmission can be built on existing rights-of-way, then transmission might wind up being a substantial part of the picture for reasons other than reliability of supply. Finally, percent reliability isn’t the whole picture. If your backup systems absolutely need to be able to replace 100% of the output of your main source for 3.65 days once a year, that’s 99% from your main source, but the cost isn’t the same as if backup sources have to provide 2% of the load for 8 to 16 hours a day. Getting into those weeds might, for all I know, provide reasons to favor a larger role for transmission.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “and use electricity that would otherwise be going to waste,”

      The very existence of “electricity that would otherwise be going to waste” is a product of the determination to use sporadically available sources of power. With *reliable* sources of power, you don’t end up producing electricity you don’t need, not in any significant amount.

      Remember, “electricity that would otherwise be going to waste” isn’t FREE electricity. It costs just as much to produce as electricity you’d have a use for. It’s just that you had it in excess because of a prior decision, the cost is sunk.

      But sunk costs aren’t yet sunk at the point where you’re making that decision…

      It’s true that, under present regulatory conditions, nuclear is too expensive, and wind and solar sort of look economical if you don’t address the reliability issues. That situation is a result of deliberate regulatory choices which were not inevitable, and are not set in stone. Nuclear advocates want different regulatory choices…


      1. “The very existence of “electricity that would otherwise be going to waste” is a product of the determination to use [really, really cheap] sources of power. ”

        Yes. Yes, it is.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Nuclear advocates want cheaper-to-comply-with regulatory choices because nukes are inherently expensive to operate, regulation or none. Regulation has been our sadly imperfect substitute for actual safety.

        Excess nameplate generating capacity, in the case of solar and wind, is cheap and getting cheaper, so nothing to avoid as each increment of excess reduces call for high-cost-per-kWh back-up storage and generation.

        Renewables generation in excess of immediate requirements may electrolyse water to produce hydrogen, which feeds effectively unlimited demand. All big producers will stockpile and sell hydrogen, whatever other storage media they use.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. The best choice of storage technology to use is still undetermined. End-to-end cost will determine the winner.

    LNG tankage and existing turbines will win for a long time. Tropical synthesis of LNG, and shipping on demand, obviates need for any sort of long-term storage. LNH3 might encroach if the turbines can be retrofitted for it. Later, H2.

    For batteries, iron-air is cheap but inefficient. Round-trip efficiency matters much less than we used to think. Molten antimony-calcium batteries are still expensive, but last forever, and nothing about them interferes with plummeting cost.

    Other choices loom. Pumped hydro is much more viable than generally assumed because no watershed is needed, and suitable hills are legion, but capital cost is high and construction lengthy.

    Underground compressed air, underground compressed hydrogen, underground hydro will all be tried. Round-trip efficiency of H2 is bad but improving. Its practicality as a storage medium will be overshadowed by its extreme market value and utility. If you are equipped to make H2 with excess generating capacity, you have another revenue stream almost every day, an advantage other storage media lack. So, no matter what else turns out cheapest, people will *also* build out H2 synthesis, everywhere.

    One I have not seen explored much is undersea gravity storage. Suspend very heavy weights from reels aboard superannuated ships anchored above deep ocean. A manifesto: . I estimate <$20/kWh, about like iron-air batteries.


  14. I see a lot of comments referencing iron-air batteries. I’m curious why not flow batteries?
    Comparing iron-air batteries to flow batteries, they seem similar in performance and cost, and more advanced/ready for production, so I’m curious what I’m missing and why they aren’t in the conversation. And yes, a few working thorium breeder reactors are needed to answer the levelized cost question. Bellmore, your critique/math is helpful, thank you.


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