A vision for the alleviation of water scarcity in the US Southwest and the revitalization of the Salton Sea

Just a couple of hours drive east of Los Angeles lies the Imperial Valley, home to Palm Springs, some of the most productive agriculture on Earth, and the Salton Sea. Together with Los Angeles, this area uses over five million acre-feet (MAF) of water from the Colorado River every year, a river whose flow continues to trend downward due to the changing climate.

For many years, California’s approach to the problem has been to seek comfort from its senior water rights and its outsized power compared to neighboring states, while telling stories of managed decline and fallowing farms in both the Imperial and Central Valleys. Few remember the enormous public works projects that built the dams on the Lower Colorado a century ago and brought water hundreds of miles across the desert, making life possible for the tens of millions of people who now call it home. These projects were visionary and we stand here today because of their embodied will to fight back against Holocene desertification.

The advent of cheap solar gives us another powerful tool to fight against the desert and to bring life and water to huge swaths of the western US, starting with the Imperial Valley. In an earlier post I wrote more generally about supporting rivers. Here, I will discuss the outline of a specific project that can transform Southern California and its relation to water, energy, and industry to be ready for another miracle century of growth and wealth creation.

Today, several canals bring water from the Lower Colorado into the US part of the Imperial Valley for irrigation. By treaty the last 1.5 MAF of the Colorado continues into Mexico, which also has vibrant agricultural activity in the Colorado delta area near Mexicali. The agricultural areas are, broadly speaking, low lying and frequently flooded. The modern Salton Sea formed in 1905 when an irrigation mishap diverted the Colorado into the sink, itself formed by crustal extension and rifting. Its previous incarnation Lake Cahuilla dried up around 1700.

The Salton Sea’s level continues to drop due to evaporation, leading to increasing salinity (now too high to support any fish, causing several great die-offs in the early 2010s) and infrastructure challenges for communities that live around the lake, in addition to severe and widespread respiratory problems from dust from the exposed lake bed. In short, the Salton Sea is a blight, a festering environmental catastrophe and a source of enduring shame for California, a state that prides itself on environmental sensibility, wealth, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Well may it remain, since the cost of desalinating the lake by itself is prohibitive and there are no convenient sources of water in its catchment by which to regulate its level.

This has now changed. Solar photovoltaic panels are, acre for acre, 100 times more economically productive than farming. A relatively small desert area adjacent to fields, once developed for solar, can deliver enough insanely cheap electricity that it can transform the economy of the entire region.

In short, we need to build a reverse osmosis desalination plant that backs up the natural flow of the Colorado. A solar powered environmental restoration machine that alleviates intense ecological pressures and guarantees water abundance for the southwest forever.

Unlike the previous century’s pioneering irrigation projects, this sort of development requires no new technology, merely the scaled application of existing processes and products at a level that would barely affect existing supply chains.

This is how it works.

A solar PV-powered RO desalination plant is built in the desert west of Yuma, convenient to existing irrigation canals and the Colorado river. It is fed by a large sea water pipeline that runs down the flood plain across the border to the Gulf of California, and also by a separate spur line that draws from the Salton Sea and runs parallel to the Coachella Canal.

RO desal splits the incoming ~3% salinity stream into two halves, one fresh and one ~6% salinity. This concentrated brine is fed to adjacent brine processing facilities (ideally in both countries) that exploit the region’s abundant solar and geothermal energy to extract potentially millions of tonnes of lithium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, and other metals found in sea water. The resulting depleted brine is piped back to the ocean where it is thoroughly mixed with sea water and discharged.

The fresh water is distributed into the region’s irrigation canals, enabling regulation of the Salton Sea’s level as well as its desalination, and the preservation of more of the Colorado’s flow into Mexico. The Coachella Canal passes within a mile of the Colorado River Aqueduct, so this desalination system could potentially also feed fresh water into the Los Angeles municipal supply.

The project has multiple sources of revenue: water sales, brine products, and land value appreciation once the Salton Sea once again becomes compatible with human habitation. Indeed, were the lake level tamed and restored to support a diverse ecosystem, the excesses of agricultural exploitation remediated, I think it would become comparable to Lake Tahoe in aesthetics, but with a much stronger basis of industry due to abundant energy, water, and minerals.

This map shows the area of solar panels required to feed the RO and brine plants. It seems hard to believe that such a tiny corner of such a huge desert, so far from any roads that its existence would be unknown to all but a handful of airline passengers, could be capable of producing 5 MAF of fresh water per year – California’s entire Colorado River allocation! This is the power of solar energy! The adjacent agricultural areas grow plants that require water, planting, harvesting, fertilizers, pesticides, and the right kinds of weather, all to capture the sun’s energy in the form of digestible leaves, nuts, and fruits – at 0.01% the energy throughput efficiency of solar.

Let’s take a closer look at a block diagram showing how value accrues in the system.

The solar panels convert wasted sunlight into electricity, one of the most useful forms of energy, at the lowest cost ever in human history. The batteries make this power available at night, enabling 100% utilization of the higher capex systems downstream. The RO desal plant uses this power to strip salt out of fresh water, a remarkably efficient and high maturity technology already deployed to the tune of more than 30 MAF/year, primarily in the Middle East. At $1000/AF, this unit alone accrues $5b in annual revenue.

The brine plant is uniquely able to exploit higher concentrations of ocean ions, cheap heat and electricity, and California’s burgeoning demand for critical minerals. 5 MAF/year of 6% salinity brine contains more than 10 million tonnes of magnesium, comparable to current global production, not to mention other light metals. At spot prices around $5000/T, a mature brine extraction industry could net >$50b/year, which can help to keep the water cheap and food plentiful. The brine plant can also recover agricultural chemicals from the Salton Sea, including nitrates and phosphates. While nitrates are plentiful thanks to the Haber Bosch process, phosphates are increasingly scarce.

Finally, the “waste” product is nothing more than concentrated sea water, something anyone can make in their kitchen and which turbulent mixing with the ocean can effectively dilute, nullifying impact at the intake and return.

Ten years ago, solar was too expensive to make this possible. That is no longer the case. The world deployed about 450 GW of solar in 2023, and for the first time energy cost no longer dominates the cost of desalinated water. In other words, we are now in the age of water abundance.

California should unabashedly exploit its mature industrial sector and visionary environmentalism to quell the growing water scarcity catastrophe, mend fences with Mexico, build local industry, bolster agricultural production, restore the Salton Sea, build new shining cities along its shores, and flaunt its unequaled excellence by exporting alfalfa to all corners of the globe.

28 thoughts on “A vision for the alleviation of water scarcity in the US Southwest and the revitalization of the Salton Sea

  1. Excellent idea
    Superb article
    I would suggest that the flow that you are putting back into the sea could be piped a decent way out to sea and could be used as part of an ocean fertilisation system
    This could provide an extra benefit by taking CO2 out of the ocean and I love the idea of a system with “fish” as a byproduct


  2. This reminds me of a documentary I watched about the Dead Sea. The sea… is dying… naturally, but humans are quickening it by evaporating it in order to get the salts.

    Anyways the plan was to take water from the Red Sea and desalinate it for drinking and to dump the excess brine into the Dead Sea to prevent it from shrinking, stop sinkholes and perhaps return their tourism. I don’t remember if it was solar powered desalination but I guess it must be.

    But alas, due to geopolitical issues it was never implemented


  3. Casey

    I love the idea of saving the Salton Sea, but I don’t think this will ever be viable. Your costs are very optimistic. I’ve noticed this in previous posts, but this is a nice clear example so I’m finally getting around to responding. Hopefully I’m missing something…….

    Your solar PV cost are $500/kW ($10B for 20GW), when utility scale solar costs are actually around $1,000/kW.
    Notice that these costs have plateaued, indicating that we have reached the minimum possible costs for the materials and fabrication. Some sort of breakthrough will be required to drive costs substantially lower, one that affects more than just the panel manufacturing cost. No such breakthroughs are on the horizon, but you never know…..
    The same problem is occurring broadly across the renewable energy sector, as is nicely described by Kathryn Porter for wind farms here:

    Time to accept that wind farm costs are not falling

    Your battery cost is $100/kWh ($12B for 120GWh). This is closer to the manufacturing cost of just the cells, completed utility-scale battery projects are much higher. For example, the current purchase price of the Tesla Megapack 2 XL is $350/kWh ($1,390,000 for 3920 kWh). The final operational project cost for these systems is much higher.
    But I guess Tesla is making pretty good money on their Megapack business, because completed utility scale projects can apparently be done for about the same, $340/kWh. Again, notice that nice plateauing in Figure 1, this time with scale.
    However you slice it, it’s not $100/kWh and barring one of those magic just-around-the-corner “break-throughs”, I don’t think we’ll ever get remotely close.

    I didn’t look at your numbers for the cost and performance of the RO plant, but can I assume the trend is the same?

    We absolutely need to save/capture/generate more water in the western US, but I don’t think sea-water RO will ever be cost effective in California outside high-value urban use – like in San Diego. And frankly, when we all just get over the idea of drinking each other’s pee, the notion of urban water shortages will largely disappear.

    A better target for increasing the water supply in California is capturing, storing and re-injecting all the excess precipitation/runoff we lose during our storm events, although I’m not sure if this could benefit the Salton Sea specifically.

    It does seem to me that the Salton Sea is too large and shallow for long term survival – there is just too much evaporation and the boundary is not very well-defined. Large scale earthworks are expensive, but maybe it could be made smaller and deeper, with some part of the exposed land used for salt removal via evaporative ponds. I bet I could come up with some cost numbers for nuclear powered self-replicating excavators that would make this seem like a slam dunk ;-

    Mark Sinclair
    SF, CA


      1. Hi Casey
        Do you have a source for that?
        I gather that is a cell-level price, which I think illustrates my point (which was actually intended more for utility electric generation). A reduction from $100/kWh to $56/kWh is only 13% of $340/kWh – you could make the batteries free and they would still be extremely expensive once all the other costs are added in.
        At least the solar+battery application here doesn’t need to achieve 99.9% uptime like in electric grid applications, so I guess you’d just provide whatever amount of storage is justified versus upsizing the panels and desal plant capacity.

        You are extracting minerals from sea-water-desal brine not Salton Sea geothermal brine correct? Is that the Dow process – so mostly magnesium? Hard to see how extracting lithium from sea water will be competitive with the geothermal brine process just up the road. I read that there are some fancy new processes to preferentially target different minerals from sea-water, but I didn’t see anything being done at scale.
        These are all industrial processes that aren’t amenable to suddenly being switched off after a couple of cloudy days – but that’s OK, just throw more batteries at the problem right?
        Mark Sinclair


    1. the Salton Sea is below sea level so moving gulf water to it would decrease salinity to a more life supporting level. Thereafter evaporative systems could provide fresh water.


      1. I have long wanted some kind of upgrade of the Salton Sea. The area is 100 degrees or more for half the year. Why not desalinate with evaporation while raising the water level from the gulf.


  4. Could we float the solar panels on the sea itself? The panels would operate more efficiently due to reduced temperatures and reduce evaporation from the sea, lowering the water volumes needed to restore it.


  5. One might expect the more straightforward approach would be to build all that desalination infrastructure on the California coast and divert the Colorado River aqueduct to the Imperial Valley/Salton Sea, perhaps over time reversing the direction of the aqueduct. Is coordinating an international project really that much easier than building in California? Don’t answer that.


  6. One more thought. There is talk in some corners of mass producing large nuclear reactors on barges. Is there any merit to producing desalination plants this way, locating them far from shore and piping only the fresh water or perhaps towing it in large bags?


    1. You should perhaps read this passage by Adm. Rickover, one of the few men ever to deliver a nuclear project on time and under budget:

      (As a side note I find it amusing how he calls out corrosion in particular and even that specific detail is spot on the money 70 years later.)

      Nuclear power on barges sounds like a great idea **in theory**. As a practical matter I would suggest first tripling your expected cost because of typical nuclear overruns then tripling them again because of the additional costs associated with applying nuclear in a novel environment. Then assume the resulting construction will have very poor reliability as is typical for novel nuclear reactors. That will set your price for the initial reactors. Subsequent reactors should get more expensive as they redesign for newly discovered failure modes and the scale economies worsen due to the competition (solar) getting cheaper.


    2. I don’t understand what problem putting it on a barge solves.

      It certainly has disadvantages. Putting anything on a boat means in addition to maintaining the thing, you also have to keep the boat afloat and in its proper place.

      A barge does have the advantage of mobility. But you then remove that advantage by tying it into pipelines.

      There might overall be an advantage if you are severely land-constrained, e.g. pre-handover Hong Kong. California doesn’t really have that problem – to the extent they do, it’s self-inflicted. That being the case, putting it on a barge invites the inflictors to come up with a new, applicable infliction.


  7. This is assuming $0.50 per peak watt for the solar farm. $0.50 is just the cost of the panels. The cheapest in the world cost for a full installation (labor, inverters, racking, transmission) is around $2.00/watt. So $1.50/watt in cost even if the panels are free. In CA it would be a miracle if it could be done for less than $4.00/watt. So your cost for the solar farm is off by a factor of 4 to 8.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. NAWAPA is the obvious solution, but that would require a US capable of state capacity and effective governance and implementing large federal multi-state (heck country) infrastructure, something that mostly has not existed for over half a century.


  9. Other than adding solar capacity, it looks like you are trying to reinvent the wheel.

    The Yuma Desalting complex already exists. Maybe you could buy it from the Bureau of Reclamation for $1?

    The waste brine from the plant is pumped into a concrete lined canal that flows to the Santa Clara Marsh at the Gulf of California.

    The Imperial dam already exists. Why not turn its 85 ft height into a pumped storage site? If you need more storage/power maybe the Hoover dam (2 GW). There is a $3 Billion project on the drawing board to do that.

    Look at that; I’ve saved you at least $29 Billion!


  10. > Finally, the “waste” product is nothing more than concentrated sea water […] which turbulent mixing with the ocean can effectively dilute, nullifying impact at the intake and return.

    We should not so quickly wave away the effects of adding highly saline brine on the Gulf of California marine ecosystem.

    The flow of freshwater into the Gulf is already a vanishingly small fraction of what it was before damming and large scale agriculture and development cut off the Colorado and other rivers that drain into the gulf.

    It is impossible to effectively dilute the brine via mixing due to the long narrow channel that forms the Gulf.

    The gulf ecosystem is already highly perturbed from changing inflows and overfishing — we should not participate in stressing it further.


    1. This is untrue. The volume of the Gulf of California is about 100 billion acre-feet. It probably concentrates more salt due to evaporation than anything our puny desal systems could achieve.


  11. https://www.metal.com/Magnesium/202202180001

    Dolomite, magnesium ore, is around $31/ton.

    That source also puts magnesium metal at around $3000/ton.
    Perhaps the difference is taxes or something.

    The free market says that raw magnesium ores are widely available, it’s the extraction and purification that’s difficult.

    It’s like a plan about stripping CO2 from the air to make diamonds. Pure carbon is cheap in the form of coal, it’s the step of going from carbon to diamonds that’s the expensive difficult part.


  12. No mention of the New River which Mexico uses as an open sewer line that runs across the border and empties into the Salton Sea. That the US allows this to happen is a question I’ve never gotten a clear answer to.


  13. Not with my tax dollars! If it cannot be done privately it should not be done.
    Also, where are the solar cell and battery materials coming from? The only primary source now is China and just continues us down the road to destruction.
    And, one nuke plant would provide sufficient power with no need for the batteries!


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